Nepal endorsed and published the ‘National Adolescent Health and Development
(NAHD) Strategy in 2000.
❖ An implementation guideline on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRH)
was developed in 2007 to support district health managers in operationalizing this
❖ In 2008, a draft national ASRH program was developed with the support of GIZ. This
program was successfully piloted in 2009 in 26 public health facilities.
❖ National ASRH Program was designed in 2011 which consists of 4 different
orientation manuals for district health managers, district stakeholders, health
service providers, and Health Facility Operation and Management Committees
(HFOMCs)/local stakeholders.
❖ The National ASRH program is being gradually scaled up and has been able to meet
the NHSP II target of making 1,000 public health facilities adolescent-friendly by

Youth Friendly Health Services related policies, laws and acts

❖ National Reproductive Health Strategy 1998

Adolescent Friendly Health Services was included as a core component of the essential reproductive health services package in the National Reproductive Health Strategy.

For Adolescents:
At Sub- Health Post/Health Post.
➔ Free availability of oral pills, condoms.
➔ Antenatal delivery, post partum, newborn care services as per NMCG.
➔ Modification of existing MCH/FP services to make it more accessible to adolescents.
➔ Conduct family life education clinics.
➔ School Health Programme.
At PHC Center
➔ FP/HIV/STD/Infertility services modified and delivered as a package e.g.
Family Life Education Cclinics in selected areas.
➔ Linkage with school systems and NGOs.
➔ Publicity regarding Family Life Education Clinics in selected areas.
➔ Antenatal care, care during delivery, post partum and newborn care as per national guidelines.
At District Hospital
➔ FP/HIV/STD services modified and delivered as package.
➔ Linkage with school systems and NGOs.
➔ Publicity regarding Family Life Education Clinics in selected areas.
➔ Antenatal care, care during delivery, post partum and newborn care as per national guidelines.
➔ FP services as per national guidelines.


❖ National Adolescent Health and Development Strategy 2000
Health services and counselling
➔ Health services and counselling are areas of intervention for improving
adolescent health. Adolescent health care services should be adolescent
friendly, affordable, accessible, confidential and non judgemental to improve
the access and utilization of health care services by adolescents.
➔ Integrate adolescent health services into the existing health care delivery
system and also develop innovative models for adolescent friendly health
services and provide health care services and counselling irrespective of
Marital status:
➔ Involve and establish links with youth clubs, NGOs and the private sector to
expand and improve service delivery for adolescents.
➔ Build linkage with health facilities by establishing and strengthening
youth/adolescents clubs in communities and health committee in school and
provide health screening and counselling services through scholl, clubs and
other community based organizations.
➔ Provide micronutrient services and impart education on nutrition and
hygiene through schools, youth clubs, health institutions, and community
based organizations.

Adolescent and Sexual Reproductive Health Programme

The overall goal of the National ASRH Program is to promote the sexual and
reproductive health status of adolescents.
The major target of the program was to make 1,000 health facilities
adolescent‐friendly by 2015. As of 2016, 1534 health facilities are already
adolescent friendly.