Y-PEER is a groundbreaking and comprehensive voluntary youth-to-youth initiative. It is a network of youth-led and youth-serving civil society organizations, governmental organizations, community-based organizations, institutions, youth activists, young people, youth advocates, and trainers working together on youth-related issues. The issues championed by Y-PEER are physical and mental health, sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) including HIV/AIDS; gender-based violence (GBV), youth participation, civic engagement, and development of a culture of citizenship; preparedness and emergency response and peacebuilding.

You can find more about YPEER AP at https://ypeerap.org.

Y-PEER is a global network of more than 2000 non-profit organizations and governmental institutions; with active memberships of over 33,000 young people and hundreds of thousands of volunteers from the Asia Pacific, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.