YFHS Asia is an initiation by Y- PEER Asia Pacific Center with the support of Y- PEER National Networks and partners whose primary function is to support young people to locate available youth-friendly health services (YFHS/AFHS) and HIV services around them.

YFHS website is the result of a series of consultations with young people from the Asia Pacific Region, which will support reducing some of the barriers to accessing the available services of which they are not aware.

The website also serves peer educators to refer their peers to certified centers as well as support service providers & government other development partners to design the services to reduce duplication and to reach more young people.


Y-PEER is a groundbreaking and comprehensive voluntary youth-to-youth initiative. It is a network of youth-led and youth-serving civil society organizations, governmental organizations, community-based organizations, institutions, youth activists, young people, youth advocates, and trainers working together on youth-related issues. The issues championed by Y-PEER are physical and mental health, sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) including HIV/AIDS; gender-based violence (GBV), youth participation, civic engagement, and development of a culture of citizenship; preparedness and emergency response and peacebuilding.

You can find more about YPEER AP at https://ypeerap.org.

Y-PEER is a global network of more than 2000 non-profit organizations and governmental institutions; with active memberships of over 33,000 young people and hundreds of thousands of volunteers from the Asia Pacific, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.


Y-PEER Nepal was officially launched on 3rd December 2010 and Y-PEER Nepal (Youth Peer Education Association Nepal) on 4th August 2014 among its member organizations, I/NGOs, UN agencies, media, young people, and potential partners with the objective to broadcast the significance of Sexual and Reproductive Health in Nepal through different capacity development program and advocacy campaigns at the local as well as national level. It was established with the support from UNFPA CO. Y-PEER Nepal has more than 1000 Volunteers in all Districts in Nepal and 300 Members around the Country. Y-PEER Nepal has more focused on the capacity development of the youth.

Know more about Y-PEER Nepal at http://ypeernepal.org.